Early Childhood Resources
Early Childhood resources, activities, articles and links for parents, carers and early childhood educators. Book suggestions for children, simple crafts recipes, parenting ideas, songs, active games and information about child development.
early play
All about early childhood

The secret in education lies in respecting the student.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our Philosophy
Early childhood - 0 to 5 years of age - is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives.
Children develop at different rates – emotionally, intellectually, morally, socially, physically and spiritually.
All children have abilities, which can be identified and promoted.
Young children learn from everything they do and do not separate learning into different areas. Children learn best when they are actively interested in play or conversation.
Children who feel confident in themselves have a head start to learning.
Children who are encouraged to think for themselves are more likely to act independently.
The relationships, which children make with other children and with adults, are important to their development.
Any links have been evaluated by people working in the area of Early Childhood Development who are also parents.
Topics on this site include:
Books about Sharing, Friends and Cooperation
Resilience - Nature or Nuture? and scroll down page
Physical development resources including fine motor & gross motor